56장. Writing A Foreign Data Wrapper


56.1. Foreign Data Wrapper Functions
56.2. Foreign Data Wrapper Callback Routines
56.2.1. FDW Routines For Scanning Foreign Tables
56.2.2. FDW Routines For Scanning Foreign Joins
56.2.3. FDW Routines For Planning Post-Scan/Join Processing
56.2.4. FDW Routines For Updating Foreign Tables
56.2.5. FDW Routines For Row Locking
56.2.6. FDW Routines for EXPLAIN
56.2.7. FDW Routines for ANALYZE
56.2.9. FDW Routines for Parallel Execution
56.3. Foreign Data Wrapper Helper Functions
56.4. Foreign Data Wrapper Query Planning
56.5. Row Locking in Foreign Data Wrappers

All operations on a foreign table are handled through its foreign data wrapper, which consists of a set of functions that the core server calls. The foreign data wrapper is responsible for fetching data from the remote data source and returning it to the PostgreSQL executor. If updating foreign tables is to be supported, the wrapper must handle that, too. This chapter outlines how to write a new foreign data wrapper.

The foreign data wrappers included in the standard distribution are good references when trying to write your own. Look into the contrib subdirectory of the source tree. The CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER reference page also has some useful details.


The SQL standard specifies an interface for writing foreign data wrappers. However, PostgreSQL does not implement that API, because the effort to accommodate it into PostgreSQL would be large, and the standard API hasn't gained wide adoption anyway.