
다음은 SQLPostgreSQL 관련된 지침서들과 문헌들이다.

초기 POSTGRES 개발팀의 몇몇 백서들과 기술 보고서는 캘리포니아 버클리 대학 컴퓨터 공학부 웹사이트 에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.

SQL 참고 문헌

[bowman01] The Practical SQL Handbook. Using SQL Variants. Fourth Edition. Judith Bowman, Sandra Emerson, 그리고 Marcy Darnovsky. ISBN 0-201-70309-2. Addison-Wesley Professional. 2001.

[date97] A Guide to the SQL Standard. A user's guide to the standard database language SQL. Fourth Edition. C. J. Date 그리고 Hugh Darwen. ISBN 0-201-96426-0. Addison-Wesley. 1997.

[date04] An Introduction to Database Systems. Eighth Edition. C. J. Date. ISBN 0-321-19784-4. Addison-Wesley. 2003.

[elma04] Fundamentals of Database Systems. Fourth Edition. Ramez Elmasri 그리고 Shamkant Navathe. ISBN 0-321-12226-7. Addison-Wesley. 2003.

[melt93] Understanding the New SQL. A complete guide. Jim Melton 그리고 Alan R. Simon. ISBN 1-55860-245-3. Morgan Kaufmann. 1993.

[ull88] Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems. Classical Database Systems. Jeffrey D. Ullman. Volume 1. Computer Science Press. 1988.

[sqltr-19075-6] SQL Technical Report. Part 6: SQL support for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). First Edition. 2017.

PostgreSQL 관련 문서

[sim98] Enhancement of the ANSI SQL Implementation of PostgreSQL. Stefan Simkovics. Department of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology. Vienna, Austria. November 29, 1998.

[yu95] The Postgres95. User Manual. A. Yu 그리고 J. Chen. University of California. Berkeley, California. Sept. 5, 1995.

[fong] The design and implementation of the POSTGRES query optimizer. Zelaine Fong. University of California, Berkeley, Computer Science Department.

Proceedings and Articles

[ports12] Serializable Snapshot Isolation in PostgreSQL”. D. Ports 그리고 K. Grittner. VLDB Conference, August 2012.

[berenson95] A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels”. H. Berenson, P. Bernstein, J. Gray, J. Melton, E. O'Neil, 그리고 P. O'Neil. ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, June 1995.

[olson93] Partial indexing in POSTGRES: research project. Nels Olson. UCB Engin T7.49.1993 O676. University of California. Berkeley, California. 1993.

[ong90] “A Unified Framework for Version Modeling Using Production Rules in a Database System”. L. Ong 그리고 J. Goh. ERL Technical Memorandum M90/33. University of California. Berkeley, California. April, 1990.

[rowe87] The POSTGRES data model”. L. Rowe 그리고 M. Stonebraker. VLDB Conference, Sept. 1987.

[seshadri95] Generalized Partial Indexes”. P. Seshadri 그리고 A. Swami. Eleventh International Conference on Data Engineering, 6-10 March 1995. Cat. No.95CH35724. IEEE Computer Society Press. Los Alamitos, California. 1995. 420-7.

[ston86] The design of POSTGRES”. M. Stonebraker 그리고 L. Rowe. ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, May 1986.

[ston87a] “The design of the POSTGRES rules system”. M. Stonebraker, E. Hanson, 그리고 C. H. Hong. IEEE Conference on Data Engineering, Feb. 1987.

[ston87b] The design of the POSTGRES storage system”. M. Stonebraker. VLDB Conference, Sept. 1987.

[ston89] A commentary on the POSTGRES rules system”. M. Stonebraker, M. Hearst, 그리고 S. Potamianos. SIGMOD Record 18(3). Sept. 1989.

[ston89b] The case for partial indexes”. M. Stonebraker. SIGMOD Record 18(4). Dec. 1989. 4-11.

[ston90a] The implementation of POSTGRES”. M. Stonebraker, L. A. Rowe, 그리고 M. Hirohama. Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2(1). IEEE. March 1990.

[ston90b] On Rules, Procedures, Caching and Views in Database Systems”. M. Stonebraker, A. Jhingran, J. Goh, 그리고 S. Potamianos. ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, June 1990.