PostgreSQL 9.4.0 문서 | |||
이전 | 위로 | 부록 E. Release Notes | 다음 |
Release Date: 2002-12-18
This release contains a variety of fixes for version 7.3.
A dump/restore is not required for those running version 7.3. However, it should be noted that the main PostgreSQL interface library, libpq, has a new major version number for this release, which might require recompilation of client code in certain cases.
Fix a core dump of COPY TO when client/server encodings don't match (Tom)
Allow pg_dump to work with pre-7.2 servers (Philip)
contrib/adddepend fixes (Tom)
Fix problem with deletion of per-user/per-database config settings (Tom)
contrib/vacuumlo fix (Tom)
Allow 'password' encryption even when pg_shadow contains MD5 passwords (Bruce)
contrib/dbmirror fix (Steven Singer)
Optimizer fixes (Tom)
contrib/tsearch fixes (Teodor Sigaev, Magnus)
Allow locale names to be mixed case (Nicolai Tufar)
Increment libpq library's major version number (Bruce)
pg_hba.conf error reporting fixes (Bruce, Neil)
Add SCO Openserver 5.0.4 as a supported platform (Bruce)
Prevent EXPLAIN from crashing server (Tom)
SSL fixes (Nathan Mueller)
Prevent composite column creation via ALTER TABLE (Tom)