PostgreSQL 9.6.2 문서 | |||
이전 | 위로 | 부록 E. 출시 소식 | 다음 |
Release Date: 2007-04-23
This release contains a variety of fixes from 8.1.8, including a security fix. For information about new features in the 8.1 major release, see E.204절.
A dump/restore is not required for those running 8.1.X. However, if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 8.1.2, see E.202절.
Support explicit placement of the temporary-table schema within search_path, and disable searching it for functions and operators (Tom)
This is needed to allow a security-definer function to set a truly secure value of search_path. Without it, an unprivileged SQL user can use temporary objects to execute code with the privileges of the security-definer function (CVE-2007-2138). See CREATE FUNCTION for more information.
/contrib/tsearch2 crash fixes (Teodor)
Require COMMIT PREPARED to be executed in the same database as the transaction was prepared in (Heikki)
Fix potential-data-corruption bug in how VACUUM FULL handles UPDATE chains (Tom, Pavan Deolasee)
Planner fixes, including improving outer join and bitmap scan selection logic (Tom)
Fix PANIC during enlargement of a hash index (bug introduced in 8.1.6) (Tom)
Fix POSIX-style timezone specs to follow new USA DST rules (Tom)