PostgreSQL 9.6.2 문서 | |||
이전 | 위로 | 부록 E. 출시 소식 | 다음 |
출시일: 2016-09-29
PostgreSQL 9.6 주요 개선 사항:
순차적 탐색 sequential scan, 조인, 집계 작업을 병렬로 처리할 수 있음
vacuum freeze 작업에서 불필요한 페이지를 건너 뜀으로 페이지 검색을 최소화 함
안정성을 높이기 위해 동기식 복제에서 하나 이상의 대기 서버를 사용할 수 있음
전문 검색에서 복합어의 그 구성 단어를 검색할 수 있음
postgres_fdw 확장 모듈에서 원격 조인, 정렬, UPDATE, DELETE 기능 추가됨
다중 CPU 소켓을 사용하는 서버의 확장성 측면에서 상당한 성능 향상
위 내용은 아래 각 단락에서 보다 자세히 소개한다.
메이져 버전 업그레이드를 하려면, pg_dumpall 명령을 이용한 덤프/복원 작업하거나, pg_upgrade 명령을 이용해야 한다.
9.6 버전에서는 이전 버전과의 호환성 측명에서 영향을 줄 수 있는 변경 사항들이 많다. 아래 호환성 문제가 되는 부분을 잙 읽어야 한다:
세션 프로세스의 대기 정보에 대한 내용이 pg_stat_activity 뷰를 통해 개선 되었다. Improve the pg_stat_activity (Amit Kapila, Ildus Kurbangaliev)
이전 버전까지는 세션 프로세스의 대기 정보는 강력한 잠금에 대한 것이였다. 새 버번에서는 pg_stat_activity 뷰에서 가벼운 잠금에 대한 정보, 버퍼 점유 정보도 보여준다. 또한 그 잠금의 종류도 함께 볼 수 있다. 기존 waiting 칼럼이 wait_event_type, wait_event 두 칼럼으로 보다 상세하게 바뀌었다.
함수에서 시간 관련 출력 양식을 지정할 경우,
음수 기호(-)는 그 길이에서 제외되었다.
(Bruce Momjian)
예를 들어, to_char('-4 years'::interval, 'YY') 함수는 이제 -4를 반환하지 않고, -04를 반환한다.
함수의 입력값으로 무한을 지정한 경우 보다 합리적으로 처리한다.
(Vitaly Burovoy)
이전 버전까지는 무한 시간인 경우, 해당 추출 항목에 관계 없이 무조건 0을 반환했다. 새 버전부터는 추출 되는 항목이 계속 증가나 감소하는 경우(예, year, epoch)에는 infinity 또는 -infinity 를 반환하며, 순환하는 경우(예, day, hour)에는 NULL을 반환한다. 또한 이렇게 반환될 수 없는 잘못된 이름을 사용한 경우에는 오류를 낸다.
PL/pgSQL RAISE 구문에서 보여줄 메시지를 지정하는 CONTEXT의 가장 안쪽에 지정한 "feature"를 없앴다. (Pavel Stehule)
이 구문에 대한 하위 버전 호환성은 더 이상 쓸모 없을 때까지 계속 가질 수 있도록 했다.
기본 전문 검색 분석기에서 email과 host 토큰으로 처리할 때, 그 문자열의 첫 글자에 숫자가 오는 것도 허용하도록 수정 했음 (Artur Zakirov)
대부분의 경우 본문 검색 자료 결과가 약간 바뀔 것이다. 하지만, 자료에서 이런 유형의 내용이 많다면, tsvector 칼럼의 내용과 그것을 사용하는 인덱스를 다시 만드는 것이 검색 품질을 높일 것이다.
contrib/unaccent 확장 모듈에서 표준 unaccent.rules 파일을 사용해서 유니코드에서 정의한 모든 악센트 기호가 있는 문자들을 영어 알파벳 문자로 변경한다. 또한 문장 기호들도 영어 기호로 변경할 수 있는 것들은 모두 처리한다. (Thomas Munro, Léonard Benedetti)
이전 버전에서는 몇몇 대중적이지 않은 문자들에 대해서는 변환을 제대로 못했으며, 문장 부호들도 처리를 못했다. 이 모듈을 사용한다면, tsvector 과 해당 인덱스를 다시 만드는 것을 좋을 것이다.
오래전 폐기했던 CREATE ROLE 명령에서 사용하던 CREATEUSER/NOCREATEUSER 옵션을 없앴다. (Tom Lane)
CREATEUSER 옵션은 SUPERUSER 옵션과 같다. 하위 호환성 때문에 지금까지 허용되었다. CREATEROLE 옵션이 원래의 역할인데, 사람들에게 혼란을 초래해 없애기로 했다가 이제 없앴다.
롤 이름으로 pg_ 시작하는 것을 허용하지 않음 (Stephen Frost)
이제 사용자는 이런 이름의 롤을 만들 수 없다. initdb 명령으로 작업을 진행 할 때 내부적으로 사용하는 롤 이름과 충돌이 일어날 가능성이 있어 막았다.
information_schema.routines 뷰에 있는 result_cast_character_set_name 칼럼을 result_cast_char_set_name 이름으로 바꿨다. (Clément Prévost)
SQL:2011 표준 규약은 긴 이름을 사용했지만, information_schema 다른 뷰들의 이름 규칙과 비교해 볼 때 이 긴 이름이 실수로 판단되었기 때문이다.
psql에서 -c 옵션은 더 이상 --no-psqlrc 옵션과 같지 않다. (Pavel Stehule, Catalin Iacob)
의도한 기능을 사용하려면, --no-psqlrc (또는 -X) 옵션을 사용해야 한다. 사용하고 있는 스크립트가 psql 버전에 맞춰 변경이 필요할 수도 있다.
pg_restore에서 -t 옵션을 해당 모든 릴레이션으로 확장했다. 예전 버전에서는 일반 테이블만 사용할 수 있었다. (Craig Ringer)
pg_controldata 명령의 출력 결과로 NextXID 값에 대한 출력 양식을 변경했다. (Joe Conway, Bruce Momjian)
숫자:숫자 형식으로 epoch-트랜잭션ID 구성을 표현한다. 기존 숫자/숫자 양식이 LSN 값으로 혼동할 여지가 있어서 바꿨다.
확장 모듈에서 사용하는 함수들 가운데, 병렬 처리가 가능한 것들은 그렇게 쓰도록 함수 정의에 옵션을 추가했다. (Andreas Karlsson)
확장 모듈에서 제공하는 많은 함수들이 병렬 쿼리에서도 안전하게 사용할 수 있는 것들이어서, 이 부분에 대한 정의를 추가했다. 주의 할 점은 pg_upgrade 명령으로 업그레이드를 한 경우, 각 데이터베이스 별로 ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE 명령으로 해당 모듈도 업그레이드 하지 않으면, 이 부분은 적용되지 않는다.
다음에서 이전 메이져 버전과 PostgreSQL 9.6 버전에서 달라진 점을 소개한다.
병렬 쿼리 (Robert Haas, Amit Kapila, David Rowley, many others)
PostgreSQL 9.6 버전에서 최초로 대량의 쿼리를 위한 병렬 처리를 지원한다. 병렬처리는 읽기 전용 쿼리 중 드라이빙 테이블의 순차적 탐색을 할 때 가능하다. 해시 조인과 중첩 루프, 집계작업에 병렬처리가 될 수 있다. 아직 개선할 부분이 남아 있지만, 이미 유용한 기능이다.
병렬 처리 쿼리의 실행은 아직 기본 설정이 아니다. max_parallel_workers_per_gather 설정값을 0보다 크게 설정을 하여 병렬 처리를 설정할 수 있다. 새로운 환경 설정 매개변수인 force_parallel_mode, parallel_setup_cost, parallel_tuple_cost, and min_parallel_relation_size 설정을 통해 병렬 처리를 추가 설정할 수 있다.
어떤 함수를 이용한 쿼리를 병렬 쿼리 실행 계획으로 짜도 안전한지 판단하는 옵션을 추가 했음. (Robert Haas, Amit Kapila)
GIN 인덱스를 만들 때, maintenance_work_mem 설정값이 1 GB 이상에서 효과적으로 메모리를 사용할 수 있도록 했다. (Robert Abraham, Teodor Sigaev)
GIN 인덱스 보류 목록에서 삭제된 페이지를 빈 공간 지도에 즉시 반영함. (Jeff Janes, Teodor Sigaev)
테이블 부품 현상을 줄인다.
GIN 인덱스용 보류 목록 정리를 수동으로 할 수 있도록
함수를 추가 함
(Jeff Janes)
이전 버전까지는 이 정리 작업은 해당 테이블 또는 파티션 상위 테이블 대상으로 vacuum 작업이나, analyze 작업 할 때만 내부적으로 일어났다.
GiST 인덱스에서 삭제된 인덱스 자료 처리를 개선 함. (Anastasia Lubennikova)
인덱스 탐색 때 힙 튜플(실 자료)이 삭제 되었다고, 인덱스 튜플에 표시 한다. 새로운 자료가 입력되면, 페이지 공간 사용 효율성을 높이기 위해 삭제 표시된 튜플을 버리고, 그곳을 사용한다.
box 자료형을 위한 SP-GiST 연산자 클래스 추가. (Alexander Lebedev)
외부 정렬 작업을 할 때, 퀵소트를 사용하지 않고, 대체 선택 기법으로 정렬 성능을 높혔다. (Peter Geoghegan)
이 새 방식은 디스크 캐시와 자료 크기를 고려한 CPU 캐시 활용도를 높인다. 이 관련 성능 튜닝은 새로운 replacement_sort_tuples 환경 설정 변수로 할 수 있다.
문자열 정렬 시, 같은 자료가 여러 번 있는 경우, 속도 개선 (Peter Geoghegan)
uuid, bytea, char(n) 자료형 정렬에서 "간략한" 키를 사용해서 속도 개선 (Peter Geoghegan)
간략한 키를 사용한 정렬은 text_pattern_ops, varchar_pattern_ops, bpchar_pattern_ops 연산자 클래스를 통해서 선택적으로 (기본 연산자 클래스는 아님) 사용해서, 이 기능을 사용할 수 있다. 순서가 정해진 집합의 집계 처리에서 이 간략한 키를 사용할 수 있다.
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY 작업시, TID 값을 64비트 정수형으로 처리해 정렬 속도를 높혔다. (Peter Geoghegan)
ProcArrayLock 경합 줄임 (Amit Kapila, Robert Haas)
버퍼 내용 잠금 정보를 버퍼 지시자 쪽으로 옮겨 성능 향상 (Andres Freund, Simon Riggs)
확장성을 높이기 위해 공유 버퍼 헤더 핀 잠금 처리를 더 작은 작업 단위로 나눴다. (Alexander Korotkov, Andres Freund)
LWLock 대기 큐 보호를 위해, spinlock 대신에 더 작은 작업 단위를 사용 함 (Andres Freund)
멀티 코어를 쓰는 서버에서 경합을 줄이기 위해 공유 해쉬 테이블 가용 목록을 나눔 (Aleksander Alekseev)
대기 서버에서 btree 인덱스 vacuum 작업시 발생할 수 있는 내부 잠금을 줄였다. (Simon Riggs)
이 작업은 이전 버전에서 가끔 발생 되었던 대기 서버에서 트랜잭션 반영 작업이 가끔 지연되었던 문제를 해결 한다.
많은 null 값이 있는 칼럼에 대한 ANALYZE 명령의 예상치 산정 작업이 빨라졌다. (Tomas Vondra, Alex Shulgin)
이전 버전까지는 ANALYZE 작업을 할 때, NULL 값이 많은 자료에 대해서, NULL 아닌 자료들의 산포도 계산 결과로 예상 보다 작게 평가 되었다.
실행 계획기에서 쿼리 결과의 고유 값에 대한 자료량 예상을 보다 잘 하게 개선 했다. (Tomas Vondra)
참조키에서도 조인 방법을 결정하기 위한 선택도를 예상합니다. (Tomas Vondra, David Rowley)
t 테이블에 참조키가 (a,b) REFERENCES r (x,y) 형태로 정의되어 있고, 쿼리의 WHERE 절에 t.a = r.x AND t.b = r.y 형태의 조건이 사용된다면, 이 결과는 r 테이블에서 선택할 자료는 한 건 뿐이다. 이전 버전에서는 실행 계획기가 AND 연산에서 이런 합리적인 조건을 고려하지 않고, 결과를 잘못 예상하는 경우가 종종 있었다. 이제 WHERE 조건절에서 참조키 칼럼이 사용된다면, 보다 나은 예상치를 산정한다.
영구 보관 튜플들만 있는 페이지는 vacuum 작업을 더 이상 중복되게 하지 않는다. (Masahiko Sawada, Robert Haas, Andres Freund)
이전 버전까지는 트랜잭션 ID 겹침 방지를 위한 vacuum 작업을 할 때, 그 페이지에서 아무런 작업을 하지 않더라도 모든 페이지를 확인 했다. 이번 버전부터는 해당 페이지에 모든 자료가 영구 보관용 자료로 되어 있다는 정보가 실자료 지도 파일(vm 파일)에 담아두고, vacuum 작업이 해당 페이지를 건너 뛸 수 있도록 했다. 이 처리는 자료량이 많은 테이블이고, 그 자료들의 대부분이 이미 영구 보관 처리(frezze)를 했다면, vacuum frezze 작업 비용을 현저하게 줄일 것이다.
필요하다면, 이런 건너 뛰는 작업을 금지하고, DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING 새 옵션을 사용해서, 강제로 페이지를 확인할 수도 있다. 일반적으로는 사용하지 않겠지만, 실자료 지도 파일이 깨졌을 경우 복구 작업으로 사용할 수 있다.
VACUUM 작업 중 불필요한 힙-삭제 시도를 없앴다. (Jeff Janes, Tom Lane)
This change avoids taking an exclusive table lock in some cases where no truncation is possible. 이 처리로 truncate 작업이 불가능한 몇몇 경우에, 테이블 전체 배타적 잠금을 피할 수 있게 되었다. 이 조치로 얻는 이득은 대기 서버에서 불필요한 퀴리 취소 처리를 안 할 수 있게된 것이다.
Allow old MVCC snapshots to be invalidated after a configurable timeout (Kevin Grittner)
Normally, deleted tuples cannot be physically removed by vacuuming until the last transaction that could "see" them is gone. A transaction that stays open for a long time can thus cause considerable table bloat because space cannot be recycled. This feature allows setting a time-based limit, via the new configuration parameter old_snapshot_threshold, on how long an MVCC snapshot is guaranteed to be valid. After that, dead tuples are candidates for removal. A transaction using an outdated snapshot will get an error if it attempts to read a page that potentially could have contained such data.
Ignore GROUP BY columns that are functionally dependent on other columns (David Rowley)
If a GROUP BY clause includes all columns of a non-deferred primary key, as well as other columns of the same table, those other columns are redundant and can be dropped from the grouping. This saves computation in many common cases.
Allow use of an index-only scan on a partial index when the index's WHERE clause references columns that are not indexed (Tomas Vondra, Kyotaro Horiguchi)
For example, an index defined by CREATE INDEX tidx_partial ON t(b) WHERE a > 0 can now be used for an index-only scan by a query that specifies WHERE a > 0 and does not otherwise use a. Previously this was disallowed because a is not listed as an index column.
Perform checkpoint writes in sorted order (Fabien Coelho, Andres Freund)
Previously, checkpoints wrote out dirty pages in whatever order they happen to appear in shared buffers, which usually is nearly random. That performs poorly, especially on rotating media. This change causes checkpoint-driven writes to be done in order by file and block number, and to be balanced across tablespaces.
Where feasible, trigger kernel writeback after a configurable number of writes, to prevent accumulation of dirty data in kernel disk buffers (Fabien Coelho, Andres Freund)
PostgreSQL writes data to the kernel's disk cache, from where it will be flushed to physical storage in due time. Many operating systems are not smart about managing this and allow large amounts of dirty data to accumulate before deciding to flush it all at once, causing long delays for new I/O requests until the flushing finishes. This change attempts to alleviate this problem by explicitly requesting data flushes after a configurable interval.
On Linux, sync_file_range()
is used for this purpose,
and the feature is on by default on Linux because that function has
few downsides. This flushing capability is also available on other
platforms if they have msync()
or posix_fadvise()
, but those interfaces have some
undesirable side-effects so the feature is disabled by default on
non-Linux platforms.
The new configuration parameters backend_flush_after, bgwriter_flush_after, checkpoint_flush_after, and wal_writer_flush_after control this behavior.
Improve aggregate-function performance by sharing calculations across multiple aggregates if they have the same arguments and transition functions (David Rowley)
For example, SELECT AVG(x), VARIANCE(x) FROM tab can use a single per-row computation for both aggregates.
Speed up visibility tests for recently-created tuples by checking the current transaction's snapshot, not pg_clog, to decide if the source transaction should be considered committed (Jeff Janes, Tom Lane)
Allow tuple hint bits to be set sooner than before (Andres Freund)
Improve performance of short-lived prepared transactions (Stas Kelvich, Simon Riggs, Pavan Deolasee)
Two-phase commit information is now written only to WAL during PREPARE TRANSACTION, and will be read back from WAL during COMMIT PREPARED if that happens soon thereafter. A separate state file is created only if the pending transaction does not get committed or aborted by the time of the next checkpoint.
Improve performance of memory context destruction (Jan Wieck)
Improve performance of resource owners with many tracked objects (Aleksander Alekseev)
Improve speed of the output functions for timestamp, time, and date data types (David Rowley, Andres Freund)
Avoid some unnecessary cancellations of hot-standby queries during replay of actions that take AccessExclusive locks (Jeff Janes)
Extend relations multiple blocks at a time when there is contention for the relation's extension lock (Dilip Kumar)
This improves scalability by decreasing contention.
Increase the number of clog buffers for better scalability (Amit Kapila, Andres Freund)
Speed up expression evaluation in PL/pgSQL by keeping ParamListInfo entries for simple variables valid at all times (Tom Lane)
Avoid reducing the SO_SNDBUF setting below its default on recent Windows versions (Chen Huajun)
Disable update_process_title by default on Windows (Takayuki Tsunakawa)
The overhead of updating the process title is much larger on Windows than most other platforms, and it is also less useful to do it since most Windows users do not have tools that can display process titles.
Add pg_stat_progress_vacuum system view to provide progress reporting for VACUUM operations (Amit Langote, Robert Haas, Vinayak Pokale, Rahila Syed)
Add pg_control_system()
, and
functions to expose fields of
pg_control to SQL (Joe Conway, Michael
Add pg_config system view (Joe Conway)
This view exposes the same information available from the pg_config comand-line utility, namely assorted compile-time configuration information for PostgreSQL.
Add a confirmed_flush_lsn column to the pg_replication_slots system view (Marko Tiikkaja)
Add pg_stat_wal_receiver system view to provide information about the state of a hot-standby server's WAL receiver process (Michael Paquier)
Add pg_blocking_pids()
function to reliably identify which sessions block which others
(Tom Lane)
This function returns an array of the process IDs of any sessions that are blocking the session with the given process ID. Historically users have obtained such information using a self-join on the pg_locks view. However, it is unreasonably tedious to do it that way with any modicum of correctness, and the addition of parallel queries has made the old approach entirely impractical, since locks might be held or awaited by child worker processes rather than the session's main process.
Add function pg_current_xlog_flush_location()
to expose the current transaction log flush location (Tomas Vondra)
Add function pg_notification_queue_usage()
to report how full the NOTIFY queue is (Brendan Jurd)
Limit the verbosity of memory context statistics dumps (Tom Lane)
The memory usage dump that is output to the postmaster log during an out-of-memory failure now summarizes statistics when there are a large number of memory contexts, rather than possibly generating a very large report. There is also a "grand total" summary line now.
Add a BSD authentication method to allow use of the BSD Authentication service for PostgreSQL client authentication (Marisa Emerson)
BSD Authentication is currently only available on OpenBSD.
When using PAM authentication, provide the client IP address or host name to PAM modules via the PAM_RHOST item (Grzegorz Sampolski)
Provide detail in the postmaster log for more types of password authentication failure (Tom Lane)
All ordinarily-reachable password authentication failure cases should now provide specific DETAIL fields in the log.
Support RADIUS passwords up to 128 characters long (Marko Tiikkaja)
Add new SSPI authentication parameters compat_realm and upn_username to control whether NetBIOS or Kerberos realm names and user names are used during SSPI authentication (Christian Ullrich)
Allow sessions to be terminated automatically if they are in idle-in-transaction state for too long (Vik Fearing)
This behavior is controlled by the new configuration parameter idle_in_transaction_session_timeout. It can be useful to prevent forgotten transactions from holding locks or preventing vacuum cleanup for too long.
Raise the maximum allowed value of checkpoint_timeout to 24 hours (Simon Riggs)
Allow effective_io_concurrency to be set per-tablespace to support cases where different tablespaces have different I/O characteristics (Julien Rouhaud)
Add log_line_prefix option %n to print the current time in Unix epoch form, with milliseconds (Tomas Vondra, Jeff Davis)
Add syslog_sequence_numbers and syslog_split_messages configuration parameters to provide more control over the message format when logging to syslog (Peter Eisentraut)
Merge the archive and hot_standby values of the wal_level configuration parameter into a single new value replica (Peter Eisentraut)
Making a distinction between these settings is no longer useful, and merging them is a step towards a planned future simplification of replication setup. The old names are still accepted but are converted to replica internally.
Add configure option --with-systemd to enable
calling sd_notify()
at server start and stop (Peter
This allows the use of systemd service units of type notify, which greatly simplifies the management of PostgreSQL under systemd.
Allow the server's SSL key file to have group read access if it is owned by root (Christoph Berg)
Formerly, we insisted the key file be owned by the user running the PostgreSQL server, but that is inconvenient on some systems (such as Debian) that are configured to manage certificates centrally. Therefore, allow the case where the key file is owned by root and has group read access. It is up to the operating system administrator to ensure that the group does not include any untrusted users.
Force backends to exit if the postmaster dies (Rajeev Rastogi, Robert Haas)
Under normal circumstances the postmaster should always outlive its child processes. If for some reason the postmaster dies, force backend sessions to exit with an error. Formerly, existing backends would continue to run until their clients disconnect, but that is unsafe and inefficient. It also prevents a new postmaster from being started until the last old backend has exited. Backends will detect postmaster death when waiting for client I/O, so the exit will not be instantaneous, but it should happen no later than the end of the current query.
Check for serializability conflicts before reporting constraint-violation failures (Thomas Munro)
When using serializable transaction isolation, it is desirable that any error due to concurrent transactions should manifest as a serialization failure, thereby cueing the application that a retry might succeed. Unfortunately, this does not reliably happen for duplicate-key failures caused by concurrent insertions. This change ensures that such an error will be reported as a serialization error if the application explicitly checked for the presence of a conflicting key (and did not find it) earlier in the transaction.
Ensure that invalidation messages are recorded in WAL even when issued by a transaction that has no XID assigned (Andres Freund)
This fixes some corner cases in which transactions on standby servers failed to notice changes, such as new indexes.
Prevent multiple processes from trying to clean a GIN index's pending list concurrently (Teodor Sigaev, Jeff Janes)
This had been intentionally allowed, but it causes race conditions that can result in vacuum missing index entries it needs to delete.
Allow synchronous replication to support multiple simultaneous synchronous standby servers, not just one (Masahiko Sawada, Beena Emerson, Michael Paquier, Fujii Masao, Kyotaro Horiguchi)
The number of standby servers that must acknowledge a commit before it is considered complete is now configurable as part of the synchronous_standby_names parameter.
Add new setting remote_apply for configuration parameter synchronous_commit (Thomas Munro)
In this mode, the master waits for the transaction to be applied on the standby server, not just written to disk. That means that you can count on a transaction started on the standby to see all commits previously acknowledged by the master.
Add a feature to the replication
protocol, and a corresponding option to pg_create_physical_replication_slot()
to allow reserving WAL immediately when creating a
replication slot (Gurjeet Singh, Michael Paquier)
This allows the creation of a replication slot to guarantee that all the WAL needed for a base backup will be available.
Add a --slot option to pg_basebackup (Peter Eisentraut)
This lets pg_basebackup use a replication slot defined for WAL streaming. After the base backup completes, selecting the same slot for regular streaming replication allows seamless startup of the new standby server.
Extend pg_start_backup()
and pg_stop_backup()
to support non-exclusive backups
(Magnus Hagander)
Allow functions that return sets of tuples to return simple NULLs (Andrew Gierth, Tom Lane)
In the context of SELECT FROM function(...), a function that returned a set of composite values was previously not allowed to return a plain NULL value as part of the set. Now that is allowed and interpreted as a row of NULLs. This avoids corner-case errors with, for example, unnesting an array of composite values.
Fully support array subscripts and field selections in the target column list of an INSERT with multiple VALUES rows (Tom Lane)
Previously, such cases failed if the same target column was mentioned more than once, e.g., INSERT INTO tab (x[1], x[2]) VALUES (...).
When appropriate, postpone evaluation of SELECT output expressions until after an ORDER BY sort (Konstantin Knizhnik)
This change ensures that volatile or expensive functions in the output list are executed in the order suggested by ORDER BY, and that they are not evaluated more times than required when there is a LIMIT clause. Previously, these properties held if the ordering was performed by an index scan or pre-merge-join sort, but not if it was performed by a top-level sort.
Widen counters recording the number of tuples processed to 64 bits (Andreas Scherbaum)
This change allows command tags, e.g. SELECT, to correctly report tuple counts larger than 4 billion. This also applies to PL/pgSQL's GET DIAGNOSTICS ... ROW_COUNT command.
Avoid doing encoding conversions by converting through the MULE_INTERNAL encoding (Tom Lane)
Previously, many conversions for Cyrillic and Central European single-byte encodings were done by converting to a related MULE_INTERNAL coding scheme and then to the destination encoding. Aside from being inefficient, this meant that when the conversion encountered an untranslatable character, the error message would confusingly complain about failure to convert to or from MULE_INTERNAL, rather than the user-visible encoding.
Consider performing joins of foreign tables remotely only when the tables will be accessed under the same role ID (Shigeru Hanada, Ashutosh Bapat, Etsuro Fujita)
Previously, the foreign join pushdown infrastructure left the question of security entirely up to individual foreign data wrappers, but that made it too easy for an FDW to inadvertently create subtle security holes. So, make it the core code's job to determine which role ID will access each table, and do not attempt join pushdown unless the role is the same for all relevant relations.
Allow COPY to copy the output of an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE ... RETURNING query (Marko Tiikkaja)
Previously, an intermediate CTE had to be written to get this result.
Introduce ALTER object DEPENDS ON EXTENSION (Abhijit Menon-Sen)
This command allows a database object to be marked as depending on an extension, so that it will be dropped automatically if the extension is dropped (without needing CASCADE). However, the object is not part of the extension, and thus will be dumped separately by pg_dump.
Make ALTER object SET SCHEMA do nothing when the object is already in the requested schema, rather than throwing an error as it historically has for most object types (Marti Raudsepp)
Add options to ALTER OPERATOR to allow changing the selectivity functions associated with an existing operator (Yury Zhuravlev)
Add an IF NOT EXISTS option to ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN (Fabrízio de Royes Mello)
Reduce the lock strength needed by ALTER TABLE when setting fillfactor and autovacuum-related relation options (Fabrízio de Royes Mello, Simon Riggs)
Introduce CREATE ACCESS METHOD to allow extensions to create index access methods (Alexander Korotkov, Petr Jelínek)
Add a CASCADE option to CREATE EXTENSION to automatically create any extensions the requested one depends on (Petr Jelínek)
Make CREATE TABLE ... LIKE include an OID column if any source table has one (Bruce Momjian)
If a CHECK constraint is declared NOT VALID in a table creation command, automatically mark it as valid (Amit Langote, Amul Sul)
This is safe because the table has no existing rows. This matches the longstanding behavior of FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Fix DROP OPERATOR to clear pg_operator.oprcom and pg_operator.oprnegate links to the dropped operator (Roma Sokolov)
Formerly such links were left as-is, which could pose a problem in the somewhat unlikely event that the dropped operator's OID was reused for another operator.
Do not show the same subplan twice in EXPLAIN output (Tom Lane)
In certain cases, typically involving SubPlan nodes in index conditions, EXPLAIN would print data for the same subplan twice.
Disallow creation of indexes on system columns, except for OID columns (David Rowley)
Such indexes were never considered supported, and would very possibly misbehave since the system might change the system-column fields of a tuple without updating indexes. However, previously there were no error checks to prevent them from being created.
Use the privilege system to manage access to sensitive functions (Stephen Frost)
Formerly, many security-sensitive functions contained hard-wired checks that would throw an error if they were called by a non-superuser. This forced the use of superuser roles for some relatively pedestrian tasks. The hard-wired error checks are now gone in favor of making initdb revoke the default public EXECUTE privilege on these functions. This allows installations to choose to grant usage of such functions to trusted roles that do not need all superuser privileges.
Create some built-in roles that can be used to grant access to what were previously superuser-only functions (Stephen Frost)
Currently the only such role is pg_signal_backend, but more are expected to be added in future.
Improve full-text search to support searching for phrases, that is, lexemes appearing adjacent to each other in a specific order, or with a specified distance between them (Teodor Sigaev, Oleg Bartunov, Dmitry Ivanov)
A phrase-search query can be specified in tsquery input using the new operators <-> and <N>. The former means that the lexemes before and after it must appear adjacent to each other in that order. The latter means they must be exactly N lexemes apart.
Allow omitting one or both boundaries in an array slice specifier, e.g. array_col[3:] (Yury Zhuravlev)
Omitted boundaries are taken as the upper or lower limit of the corresponding array subscript. This allows simpler specification for many common use-cases.
Be more careful about out-of-range dates and timestamps (Vitaly Burovoy)
This change prevents unexpected out-of-range errors for timestamp with time zone values very close to the implementation limits. Previously, the "same" value might be accepted or not depending on the timezone setting, meaning that a dump and reload could fail on a value that had been accepted when presented. Now the limits are enforced according to the equivalent UTC time, not local time, so as to be independent of timezone.
Also, PostgreSQL is now more careful to detect overflow in operations that compute new date or timestamp values, such as date + integer.
For geometric data types, make sure infinity and NaN component values are treated consistently during input and output (Tom Lane)
Such values will now always print the same as they would in a simple float8 column, and be accepted the same way on input. Previously the behavior was platform-dependent.
Upgrade the ispell dictionary type to handle modern Hunspell files and support more languages (Artur Zakirov)
Implement look-behind constraints in regular expressions (Tom Lane)
A look-behind constraint is like a lookahead constraint in that it consumes no text; but it checks for existence (or nonexistence) of a match ending at the current point in the string, rather than one starting at the current point. Similar features exist in many other regular-expression engines.
In regular expressions, if an apparent three-digit octal escape \nnn would exceed 377 (255 decimal), assume it is a two-digit octal escape instead (Tom Lane)
This makes the behavior match current Tcl releases.
Add transaction ID operators xid <> xid and xid <> int4, for consistency with the corresponding equality operators (Michael Paquier)
Add jsonb_insert()
function to insert a new element into a jsonb array,
or a not-previously-existing key into a jsonb object
(Dmitry Dolgov)
Improve the accuracy of the ln()
, log()
, and pow()
functions for type
numeric (Dean Rasheed)
Add a scale(numeric)
function to extract the display scale of a numeric value
(Marko Tiikkaja)
Add trigonometric functions that work in degrees (Dean Rasheed)
For example, sind()
measures its argument in degrees, whereas sin()
measures in radians. These functions go to some lengths to
deliver exact results for values where an exact result can be
expected, for instance sind(30) = 0.5.
Ensure that trigonometric functions handle infinity and NaN inputs per the POSIX standard (Dean Rasheed)
The POSIX standard says that these functions should return NaN for NaN input, and should throw an error for out-of-range inputs including infinity. Previously our behavior varied across platforms.
Make to_timestamp(float8)
convert float infinity to
timestamp infinity (Vitaly Burovoy)
Formerly it just failed on an infinite input.
Add new functions for tsvector data (Stas Kelvich)
The new functions are ts_delete()
, unnest()
, array_to_tsvector()
and a variant of setweight()
that sets the weight
only for specified lexeme(s).
Allow ts_stat()
and tsvector_update_trigger()
to operate on values that are of types binary-compatible with the
expected argument type, not just exactly that type; for example
allow citext where text is expected (Teodor
Add variadic functions num_nulls()
and num_nonnulls()
that count the number of their
arguments that are null or non-null (Marko Tiikkaja)
An example usage is CHECK(num_nonnulls(a,b,c) = 1) which asserts that exactly one of a,b,c is not NULL. These functions can also be used to count the number of null or nonnull elements in an array.
Add function parse_ident()
to split a qualified, possibly quoted SQL identifier
into its parts (Pavel Stehule)
In to_number()
interpret a V format code as dividing by 10 to the
power of the number of digits following V (Bruce
This makes it operate in an inverse fashion to
Make the to_reg*()
functions accept type text not cstring
(Petr Korobeinikov)
This avoids the need to write an explicit cast in most cases where the argument is not a simple literal constant.
Add pg_size_bytes()
function to convert human-readable size strings to numbers (Pavel
Stehule, Vitaly Burovoy, Dean Rasheed)
This function converts strings like those produced by
into bytes. An example
usage is SELECT oid::regclass FROM pg_class WHERE
pg_total_relation_size(oid) > pg_size_bytes('10 GB').
In pg_size_pretty()
format negative numbers similarly to positive ones (Adrian
Previously, negative numbers were never abbreviated, just printed in bytes.
Add an optional missing_ok argument to the current_setting()
function (David Christensen)
This allows avoiding an error for an unrecognized parameter name, instead returning a NULL.
Change various catalog-inspection functions to return NULL for invalid input (Michael Paquier)
now returns NULL if given an invalid view OID,
and several similar functions likewise return NULL for
bad input. Previously, such cases usually led to "cache
lookup failed" errors, which are not meant to occur in
user-facing cases.
Fix pg_replication_origin_xact_reset()
to not have any arguments (Fujii Masao)
The documentation said that it has no arguments, and the C code did not expect any arguments, but the entry in pg_proc mistakenly specified two arguments.
In PL/pgSQL, detect mismatched CONTINUE and EXIT statements while compiling a function, rather than at execution time (Jim Nasby)
Extend PL/Python's error-reporting and message-reporting functions to allow specifying additional message fields besides the primary error message (Pavel Stehule)
Allow PL/Python functions to call themselves recursively via SPI, and fix the behavior when multiple set-returning PL/Python functions are called within one query (Alexey Grishchenko, Tom Lane)
Fix session-lifespan memory leaks in PL/Python (Heikki Linnakangas, Haribabu Kommi, Tom Lane)
Modernize PL/Tcl to use Tcl's "object" APIs instead of simple strings (Jim Nasby, Karl Lehenbauer)
This can improve performance substantially in some cases. Note that PL/Tcl now requires Tcl 8.4 or later.
In PL/Tcl, make database-reported errors return additional information in Tcl's errorCode global variable (Jim Nasby, Tom Lane)
This feature follows the Tcl convention for returning auxiliary data about an error.
Fix PL/Tcl to perform encoding conversion between the database encoding and UTF-8, which is what Tcl expects (Tom Lane)
Previously, strings were passed through without conversion, leading to misbehavior with non-ASCII characters when the database encoding was not UTF-8.
Add a nonlocalized version of the severity field in error and notice messages (Tom Lane)
This change allows client code to determine severity of an error or notice without having to worry about localized variants of the severity strings.
Introduce a feature in libpq whereby the CONTEXT field of messages can be suppressed, either always or only for non-error messages (Pavel Stehule)
The default behavior of PQerrorMessage()
is now to print CONTEXT
only for errors. The new function PQsetErrorContextVisibility()
can be used to adjust this.
Add support in libpq for regenerating an error message with a different verbosity level (Alex Shulgin)
This is done with the new function PQresultVerboseErrorMessage()
This supports psql's new \errverbose
feature, and may be useful for other clients as well.
Improve libpq's PQhost()
function to return
useful data for default Unix-socket connections (Tom Lane)
Previously it would return NULL if no explicit host specification had been given; now it returns the default socket directory path.
Fix ecpg's lexer to handle line breaks within comments starting on preprocessor directive lines (Michael Meskes)
Add a --strict-names option to pg_dump and pg_restore (Pavel Stehule)
This option causes the program to complain if there is no match for a -t or -n option, rather than silently doing nothing.
In pg_dump, dump locally-made changes of privilege assignments for system objects (Stephen Frost)
While it has always been possible for a superuser to change the privilege assignments for built-in or extension-created objects, such changes were formerly lost in a dump and reload. Now, pg_dump recognizes and dumps such changes. (This works only when dumping from a 9.6 or later server, however.)
Allow pg_dump to dump non-extension-owned objects that are within an extension-owned schema (Martín Marqués)
Previously such objects were ignored because they were mistakenly assumed to belong to the extension owning their schema.
In pg_dump output, include the table name in object tags for object types that are only uniquely named per-table (for example, triggers) (Peter Eisentraut)
Support multiple -c and -f command-line options (Pavel Stehule, Catalin Iacob)
The specified operations are carried out in the order in which the options are given, and then psql terminates.
Add a \crosstabview command that prints the results of a query in a cross-tabulated display (Daniel Vérité)
In the crosstab display, data values from one query result column are placed in a grid whose column and row headers come from other query result columns.
Add an \errverbose command that shows the last server error at full verbosity (Alex Shulgin)
This is useful after getting an unexpected error — you no longer need to adjust the VERBOSITY variable and recreate the failure in order to see error fields that are not shown by default.
Add \ev and \sv commands for editing and showing view definitions (Petr Korobeinikov)
These are parallel to the existing \ef and \sf commands for functions.
Add a \gexec command that executes a query and re-submits the result(s) as new queries (Corey Huinker)
Allow \pset C string to set the table title, for consistency with \C string (Bruce Momjian)
In \pset expanded auto mode, do not use expanded format for query results with only one column (Andreas Karlsson, Robert Haas)
Improve the headers output by the \watch command (Michael Paquier, Tom Lane)
Include the \pset title string if one has been set, and shorten the prefabricated part of the header to be timestamp (every Ns). Also, the timestamp format now obeys psql's locale environment.
Improve tab-completion logic to consider the entire input query, not only the current line (Tom Lane)
Previously, breaking a command into multiple lines defeated any tab completion rules that needed to see words on earlier lines.
Numerous minor improvements in tab-completion behavior (Peter Eisentraut, Vik Fearing, Kevin Grittner, Kyotaro Horiguchi, Jeff Janes, Andreas Karlsson, Fujii Masao, Thomas Munro, Masahiko Sawada, Pavel Stehule)
Add a PROMPT option %p to insert the process ID of the connected backend (Julien Rouhaud)
Introduce a feature whereby the CONTEXT field of messages can be suppressed, either always or only for non-error messages (Pavel Stehule)
Printing CONTEXT only for errors is now the default behavior. This can be changed by setting the special variable SHOW_CONTEXT.
Make \df+ show function access privileges and parallel-safety attributes (Michael Paquier)
SQL commands in pgbench scripts are now ended by semicolons, not newlines (Kyotaro Horiguchi, Tom Lane)
This change allows SQL commands in scripts to span multiple lines. Existing custom scripts will need to be modified to add a semicolon at the end of each line that does not have one already. (Doing so does not break the script for use with older versions of pgbench.)
Support floating-point arithmetic, as well as some built-in functions, in expressions in backslash commands (Fabien Coelho)
Replace \setrandom with built-in functions (Fabien Coelho)
The new built-in functions include random()
, and
, which perform the same work as
\setrandom, but are easier to use since they can be
embedded in larger expressions. Since these additions have made
\setrandom obsolete, remove it.
Allow invocation of multiple copies of the built-in scripts, not only custom scripts (Fabien Coelho)
This is done with the new -b switch, which works similarly to -f for custom scripts.
Allow changing the selection probabilities (weights) for scripts (Fabien Coelho)
When multiple scripts are specified, each pgbench transaction randomly chooses one to execute. Formerly this was always done with uniform probability, but now different selection probabilities can be specified for different scripts.
Collect statistics for each script in a multi-script run (Fabien Coelho)
This feature adds an intermediate level of detail to existing global and per-command statistics printouts.
Add a --progress-timestamp option to report progress with Unix epoch timestamps, instead of time since the run started (Fabien Coelho)
Allow the number of client connections (-c) to not be an exact multiple of the number of threads (-t) (Fabien Coelho)
When the -T option is used, stop promptly at the end of the specified time (Fabien Coelho)
Previously, specifying a low transaction rate could cause pgbench to wait significantly longer than specified.
Improve error reporting during initdb's post-bootstrap phase (Tom Lane)
Previously, an error here led to reporting the entire input file as the "failing query"; now just the current query is reported. To get the desired behavior, queries in initdb's input files must be separated by blank lines.
Speed up initdb by using just one standalone-backend session for all the post-bootstrap steps (Tom Lane)
Improve pg_rewind so that it can work when the target timeline changes (Alexander Korotkov)
This allows, for example, rewinding a promoted standby back to some state of the old master's timeline.
Remove obsolete
functions (Peter Geoghegan)
Add macros to make AllocSetContextCreate()
calls simpler
and safer (Tom Lane)
Writing out the individual sizing parameters for a memory context is now deprecated in favor of using one of the new macros ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES, ALLOCSET_SMALL_SIZES, or ALLOCSET_START_SMALL_SIZES. Existing code continues to work, however.
Unconditionally use static inline functions in header files (Andres Freund)
This may result in warnings and/or wasted code space with very old compilers, but the notational improvement seems worth it.
Improve TAP testing infrastructure (Michael Paquier, Craig Ringer, Álvaro Herrera, Stephen Frost)
Notably, it is now possible to test recovery scenarios using this infrastructure.
Make trace_lwlocks identify individual locks by name (Robert Haas)
Improve psql's tab-completion code infrastructure (Thomas Munro, Michael Paquier)
Tab-completion rules are now considerably easier to write, and more compact.
Nail the pg_shseclabel system catalog into cache, so that it is available for access during connection authentication (Adam Brightwell)
The core code does not use this catalog for authentication, but extensions might wish to consult it.
Restructure index access method API to hide most of it at the C level (Alexander Korotkov, Andrew Gierth)
This change modernizes the index AM API to look more like the designs we have adopted for foreign data wrappers and tablesample handlers. This simplifies the C code and makes it much more practical to define index access methods in installable extensions. A consequence is that most of the columns of the pg_am system catalog have disappeared. New inspection functions have been added to allow SQL queries to determine index AM properties that used to be discoverable from pg_am.
Add pg_init_privs system catalog to hold original privileges of initdb-created and extension-created objects (Stephen Frost)
This infrastructure allows pg_dump to dump changes that an installation may have made in privileges attached to system objects. Formerly, such changes would be lost in a dump and reload, but now they are preserved.
Change the way that extensions allocate custom LWLocks (Amit Kapila, Robert Haas)
The RequestAddinLWLocks()
function is removed,
and replaced by RequestNamedLWLockTranche()
This allows better identification of custom LWLocks,
and is less error-prone.
Improve the isolation tester to allow multiple sessions to wait concurrently, allowing testing of deadlock scenarios (Robert Haas)
Introduce extensible node types (KaiGai Kohei)
This change allows FDWs or custom scan providers to store data in a plan tree in a more convenient format than was previously possible.
Make the planner deal with post-scan/join query steps by generating and comparing Paths, replacing a lot of ad-hoc logic (Tom Lane)
This change provides only marginal user-visible improvements today, but it enables future work on a lot of upper-planner improvements that were impractical to tackle using the old code structure.
Support partial aggregation (David Rowley, Simon Riggs)
This change allows the computation of an aggregate function to be split into separate parts, for example so that parallel worker processes can cooperate on computing an aggregate. In future it might allow aggregation across local and remote data to occur partially on the remote end.
Add a generic command progress reporting facility (Vinayak Pokale, Rahila Syed, Amit Langote, Robert Haas)
Separate out psql's flex lexer to make it usable by other client programs (Tom Lane, Kyotaro Horiguchi)
This eliminates code duplication for programs that need to be able to parse SQL commands well enough to identify command boundaries. Doing that in full generality is more painful than one could wish, and up to now only psql has really gotten it right among our supported client programs.
A new source-code subdirectory src/fe_utils/ has been created to hold this and other code that is shared across our client programs. Formerly such sharing was accomplished by symbolic linking or copying source files at build time, which was ugly and required duplicate compilation.
Introduce WaitEventSet API to allow efficient waiting for event sets that usually do not change from one wait to the next (Andres Freund, Amit Kapila)
Add a generic interface for writing WAL records (Alexander Korotkov, Petr Jelínek, Markus Nullmeier)
This change allows extensions to write WAL records for changes to pages using a standard layout. The problem of needing to replay WAL without access to the extension is solved by having generic replay code. This allows extensions to implement, for example, index access methods and have WAL support for them.
Support generic WAL messages for logical decoding (Petr Jelínek, Andres Freund)
This feature allows extensions to insert data into the WAL stream that can be read by logical-decoding plugins, but is not connected to physical data restoration.
Allow SP-GiST operator classes to store an arbitrary "traversal value" while descending the index (Alexander Lebedev, Teodor Sigaev)
This is somewhat like the "reconstructed value", but it could be any arbitrary chunk of data, not necessarily of the same data type as the indexed column.
Introduce a LOG_SERVER_ONLY message level for
(David Steele)
This level acts like LOG except that the message is never sent to the client. It is meant for use in auditing and similar applications.
Provide a Makefile target to build all generated headers (Michael Paquier, Tom Lane)
submake-generated-headers can now be invoked to ensure that generated backend header files are up-to-date. This is useful in subdirectories that might be built "standalone".
Support OpenSSL 1.1.0 (Andreas Karlsson, Heikki Linnakangas)
Add configuration parameter auto_explain.sample_rate to allow contrib/auto_explain to capture just a configurable fraction of all queries (Craig Ringer, Julien Rouhaud)
This allows reduction of overhead for heavy query traffic, while still getting useful information on average.
Add contrib/bloom module that implements an index access method based on Bloom filtering (Teodor Sigaev, Alexander Korotkov)
This is primarily a proof-of-concept for non-core index access methods, but it could be useful in its own right for queries that search many columns.
In contrib/cube, introduce distance operators for cubes, and support kNN-style searches in GiST indexes on cube columns (Stas Kelvich)
Make contrib/hstore's hstore_to_jsonb_loose()
and hstore_to_json_loose()
functions agree on what
is a number (Tom Lane)
Previously, hstore_to_jsonb_loose()
would convert
numeric-looking strings to JSON numbers, rather than
strings, even if they did not exactly match the JSON
syntax specification for numbers. This was inconsistent with
, so tighten the test to match
the JSON syntax.
Add selectivity estimation functions for contrib/intarray operators to improve plans for queries using those operators (Yury Zhuravlev, Alexander Korotkov)
Make contrib/pageinspect's
function show the raw data in each
tuple, and add new functions tuple_data_split()
for inspection of individual
tuple fields (Nikolay Shaplov)
Add an optional S2K iteration count parameter to
function (Jeff Janes)
Add support for "word similarity" to contrib/pg_trgm (Alexander Korotkov, Artur Zakirov)
These functions and operators measure the similarity between one string and the most similar single word of another string.
Add configuration parameter pg_trgm.similarity_threshold for contrib/pg_trgm's similarity threshold (Artur Zakirov)
This threshold has always been configurable, but formerly it was
controlled by special-purpose functions set_limit()
and show_limit()
. Those are now deprecated.
Improve contrib/pg_trgm's GIN operator class to speed up index searches in which both common and rare keys appear (Jeff Janes)
Improve performance of similarity searches in contrib/pg_trgm GIN indexes (Christophe Fornaroli)
Add contrib/pg_visibility module to allow examining table visibility maps (Robert Haas)
Add ssl_extension_info()
function to contrib/sslinfo, to print information
about SSL extensions present in the X509
certificate used for the current connection (Dmitry Voronin)
Allow extension-provided operators and functions to be sent for remote execution, if the extension is whitelisted in the foreign server's options (Paul Ramsey)
Users can enable this feature when the extension is known to exist in a compatible version in the remote database. It allows more efficient execution of queries involving extension operators.
Consider performing sorts on the remote server (Ashutosh Bapat)
Consider performing joins on the remote server (Shigeru Hanada, Ashutosh Bapat)
When feasible, perform UPDATE or DELETE entirely on the remote server (Etsuro Fujita)
Formerly, remote updates involved sending a SELECT FOR UPDATE command and then updating or deleting the selected rows one-by-one. While that is still necessary if the operation requires any local processing, it can now be done remotely if all elements of the query are safe to send to the remote server.
Allow the fetch size to be set as a server or table option (Corey Huinker)
Formerly, postgres_fdw always fetched 100 rows at a time from remote queries; now that behavior is configurable.
Use a single foreign-server connection for local user IDs that all map to the same remote user (Ashutosh Bapat)
Transmit query cancellation requests to the remote server (Michael Paquier)
Previously, a local query cancellation request did not cause an already-sent remote query to terminate early.