62.2. Built-in Operator Classes

The core PostgreSQL distribution includes the BRIN operator classes shown in 표 62-1.

The minmax operator classes store the minimum and the maximum values appearing in the indexed column within the range. The inclusion operator classes store a value which includes the values in the indexed column within the range.

표 62-1. Built-in BRIN Operator Classes

NameIndexed Data TypeIndexable Operators
abstime_minmax_opsabstime < <= = >= >
int8_minmax_opsbigint < <= = >= >
bit_minmax_opsbit < <= = >= >
varbit_minmax_opsbit varying < <= = >= >
box_inclusion_opsbox << &< && &> >> ~= @> <@ &<| <<| |>> |&>
bytea_minmax_opsbytea < <= = >= >
bpchar_minmax_opscharacter < <= = >= >
char_minmax_ops"char" < <= = >= >
date_minmax_opsdate < <= = >= >
float8_minmax_opsdouble precision < <= = >= >
inet_minmax_opsinet < <= = >= >
network_inclusion_opsinet && >>= <<= = >> <<
int4_minmax_opsinteger < <= = >= >
interval_minmax_opsinterval < <= = >= >
macaddr_minmax_opsmacaddr < <= = >= >
name_minmax_opsname < <= = >= >
numeric_minmax_opsnumeric < <= = >= >
pg_lsn_minmax_opspg_lsn < <= = >= >
oid_minmax_opsoid < <= = >= >
range_inclusion_opsany range type << &< && &> >> @> <@ -|- = < <= = > >=
float4_minmax_opsreal < <= = >= >
reltime_minmax_opsreltime < <= = >= >
int2_minmax_opssmallint < <= = >= >
text_minmax_opstext < <= = >= >
tid_minmax_opstid < <= = >= >
timestamp_minmax_opstimestamp without time zone < <= = >= >
timestamptz_minmax_opstimestamp with time zone < <= = >= >
time_minmax_opstime without time zone < <= = >= >
timetz_minmax_opstime with time zone < <= = >= >
uuid_minmax_opsuuid < <= = >= >