PostgreSQL 9.6.2 문서 | |||
이전 | 위로 | 장 9. Functions and Operators | 다음 |
This section describes functions and operators for examining and manipulating bit strings, that is values of the types bit and bit varying. Aside from the usual comparison operators, the operators shown in 표 9-13 can be used. Bit string operands of &, |, and # must be of equal length. When bit shifting, the original length of the string is preserved, as shown in the examples.
표 9-13. Bit String Operators
Operator | Description | Example | Result |
|| | concatenation | B'10001' || B'011' | 10001011 |
& | bitwise AND | B'10001' & B'01101' | 00001 |
| | bitwise OR | B'10001' | B'01101' | 11101 |
# | bitwise XOR | B'10001' # B'01101' | 11100 |
~ | bitwise NOT | ~ B'10001' | 01110 |
<< | bitwise shift left | B'10001' << 3 | 01000 |
>> | bitwise shift right | B'10001' >> 2 | 00100 |
The following SQL-standard functions work on bit
strings as well as character strings:
The following functions work on bit strings as well as binary
When working with a bit string, these functions number the first
(leftmost) bit of the string as bit 0.
In addition, it is possible to cast integral values to and from type bit. Some examples:
44::bit(10) 0000101100 44::bit(3) 100 cast(-44 as bit(12)) 111111010100 '1110'::bit(4)::integer 14
Note that casting to just "bit" means casting to bit(1), and so will deliver only the least significant bit of the integer.
참고: Casting an integer to bit(n) copies the rightmost n bits. Casting an integer to a bit string width wider than the integer itself will sign-extend on the left.