63.2. Built-in Operator Classes

The core PostgreSQL distribution includes the GIN operator classes shown in 표 63-1. (Some of the optional modules described in 부록 F provide additional GIN operator classes.)

표 63-1. Built-in GIN Operator Classes

NameIndexed Data TypeIndexable Operators
_abstime_opsabstime[] && <@ = @>
_bit_opsbit[] && <@ = @>
_bool_opsboolean[] && <@ = @>
_bpchar_opscharacter[] && <@ = @>
_bytea_opsbytea[] && <@ = @>
_char_ops"char"[] && <@ = @>
_cidr_opscidr[] && <@ = @>
_date_opsdate[] && <@ = @>
_float4_opsfloat4[] && <@ = @>
_float8_opsfloat8[] && <@ = @>
_inet_opsinet[] && <@ = @>
_int2_opssmallint[] && <@ = @>
_int4_opsinteger[] && <@ = @>
_int8_opsbigint[] && <@ = @>
_interval_opsinterval[] && <@ = @>
_macaddr_opsmacaddr[] && <@ = @>
_money_opsmoney[] && <@ = @>
_name_opsname[] && <@ = @>
_numeric_opsnumeric[] && <@ = @>
_oid_opsoid[] && <@ = @>
_oidvector_opsoidvector[] && <@ = @>
_reltime_opsreltime[] && <@ = @>
_text_opstext[] && <@ = @>
_time_opstime[] && <@ = @>
_timestamp_opstimestamp[] && <@ = @>
_timestamptz_opstimestamp with time zone[] && <@ = @>
_timetz_opstime with time zone[] && <@ = @>
_tinterval_opstinterval[] && <@ = @>
_varbit_opsbit varying[] && <@ = @>
_varchar_opscharacter varying[] && <@ = @>
jsonb_opsjsonb ? ?& ?| @>
jsonb_path_opsjsonb @>
tsvector_opstsvector @@ @@@

Of the two operator classes for type jsonb, jsonb_ops is the default. jsonb_path_ops supports fewer operators but offers better performance for those operators. See 8.14.4절 for details.